FFUN Aces a Million

FFUN Group and its FFUN Spirit Champions Classic charity golf tournament aced their $1 million (net) goal to support priority needs at Royal University Hospital by raising a record $365,000 during the fourth annual event in June. More than two dozen past and present hockey professionals, 40 business sponsors, and 240 local avid golfers participated in the tournament.

“Our family is very grateful to be able to give back to our community, to support health care for families who are our neighbours, and to see how our contribution can affect their lives,” says FFUN Group Founder and CEO Mark Loeppky.

Royal University Hospital Foundation is extremely grateful to Mark, his family and the FFUN Spirit Team for their passion and hard work in reaching this $1 million milestone. Their support is helping ensure RUH’s medical teams have the newest equipment and other resources to save more lives of the patients with the most life-threatening illnesses and injuries in our province.

Read more inspiring stories in our Fall 2024 Milestones or make your donation now.

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You can also read more about this story in the News Release.